
この10年で「デザイン」という言葉の持つ意味や役割も、随分と多様になってきたように思います。 単に色やカタチに関わる結果としてのデザインというだけではなく、もっとその手前にある働き方や生き方、暮らし方など、の思考や価値観の問題としてもデザインという言葉が語られるようになってきました。


回を重ねるごとに、活動を通して出会った素晴らしい人達の活動や作品はもとより、それぞれの生き方、暮らし方、住む場所や仲間達、そういったものも含めて伝えられるようなイベントのあり方を、模索してきたように思います。 そして何より、福岡という街と、そこに暮らす人達といかにしてこのイベントの体験を共有できるかということが、 私たちの大きな関心事となってきました。それは一見するとデザインイベントの枠を逸脱しているように見えるかもしれませんが、地域に根ざして活動する様々な人達とある時間と場所を共有することで生まれる、共通認識や価値観の積み上げがあるのではないかと信じているからです。

そういった意味では、わたしたちが今日までデザイニング展を続けてこれたのは、さまざまな問いを投げかけたり、 たくさんの人たちと時間や場所を共有できた、福岡のまちという居場所があったことなのだと心より感謝をしています。



2014.02.11 デザイニング展事務局一同

Designing is a design event which introduces interests of designs about daily lives. The aim is to inform people what people who are related to designs are going to design now. Through the design, enjoy the city of Fukuoka and through the experience, we aim to be a connection of people by discovering new values.

DESIGNING is 10th time around and it is since 2005. We have never expected this event last so long. However, so many people were involved, participated and supported DESIGNING. That is why we could keep running this event for ten years.

In this decade, meanings and roles of design have become diversified. Now, design is not just about colors and forms. It’s about sense of values, thoughts and awareness of the issues about how to work and live.

Also, design event itself is used to be a place to present projects, get latest information and see products and works of designers. Now, people expect a design event to be a place to share time and experience by question and discuss about our society and environment.

Every time we held this event, we have been trying to seek the way how to bring word to people about great people who met through our activities, their works, activities, even their ways to live, places to live, families and fellows. And above all, our biggest interest is how to share the experience of this event with people who lives in Fukuoka. At a glance, it seems out of territory of design event but we believe there will be common knowledge and values about our lives through sharing time and space with various people who have roots in local.

We would like to express our gratitude because the reason why we can keep running this event is we have place to question, discuss and share time and places with so many people in Fukuoka. This year, we ask same question.

Now, what would you put in here? Since we started this event, it is been a decade and we would like to ask people who are designer, maker and shop owners and staff again. In order to make experience of this decade to nourishment in next decade, we are eager to create great event by thinking together with you.




津田 直 / Nao Tsuda
1976年、神戸生まれ。世界中を旅し、ファインダーを通して古代より綿々と続く、人と自然との関わりを翻訳し続けている写真家。2001年より国内外で多数の展覧会を中心に活動。2010年、芸術選奨新人賞美術部門受賞。主な作品集に『漕』(主水書房)、『SMOKE LINE』、『Storm Last Night』(共に赤々舎)、最新の写真集に北極圏にて撮影された『SAMELAND』(limArt)がある。大阪芸術大学客員准教授、大阪経済大学客員教授。



Designing is a design event which introduces interests of designs about daily lives. The aim is to inform people what people who are related to designs are going to design now. Through the design, enjoy the city of Fukuoka and through the experience, we aim to be a connection of people by discovering new values.


デザイニング展2014 vol.010/010


2014.5/9[金] --- 5/18[日] 10DAYS / FUKUOKA DESIGN RELAY




デザイニング展事務局 [ 10:00 - 17:00 / Mon - Fri ]
〒815-0082 福岡県福岡市南区大楠 3丁目7-26-10(リズムデザイン内)
TEL(FAX):092-521-1363(1400) /